FPT.eSign Digital Signature

Accelerate operations with remote digital signatures & token digital signatures

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Fast, Secure, and Reliable Digital Signature Service

FPT.eSign is a fast, secure, and reliable digital signature service ecosystem licensed by the Ministry of Information and Communications. FPT.eSign products are the perfect solution for flexible electronic transaction authentication, document verification, and enhanced security.

  • FPT.eSign: Remote digital signatures directly on mobile devices without the need for a USB token, utilizing cloud technology.
  • FPT.CA: Digital signatures using USB Token & HSM digital signatures.
  • FPT.QRYPTO: A solution providing QR codes to verify the accuracy of digitally signed documents.
  • FPT.TSA: A solution providing timestamp verification for digitally signed documents.

Common Challenges

  • Time & Cost

    The traditional document signing process consumes time and money for sending documents or conducting face-to-face meetings.

  • Difficult to Track and Manage

    Traditional paper documents can be challenging to search for, store, and maintain.

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  • Security Concerns

    Paper documents can be lost or stolen during transportation or storage.

  • Lack of Flexibility

    Traditional signatures require physical presence or sending documents back and forth.


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Save 80% of signing time​

Co Workers Discussing About Business Strategies 1718042793 1726124338 Co Workers Discussing About Business Strategies 1718042793 1726124338

Save 85% of costs​

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Fasten decision-making process

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Prevent signature forgery​

Key figures

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Solution in Digital Signing
0 + thousand
Enterprises Used
0 + Million

Provide Comprehensive Digital Signature Solutions

Remote Signing Solution

  • High-speed connections and robust performance for managing millions of transactions daily.
  • Certification by the Ministry of Information and Communications, compliant with European eIDAS standards.
  • Suitable for Banking, Finance, Insurance, Securities sectors, and facilitating a Paperless Office.
  • A digital platform for signing and ensuring the legal integrity and content accuracy of transaction documents.

Digital Signature Certification

  • No installation required, only a USB Token is needed for signing
  • Supports various digital signature operations: e-Tax, e-Customs, e-Invoice, e-Social Insurance, and many other electronic transactions
  • Simple and fast operations
  • Designed according to the security standards of the Ministry of Information and Communications, ISO, eIDAS.

Document Security Solution

  • Verify the authenticity and integrity of digital PDF documents.
  • Use cryptography to create a unique signature tied to the document and the signer.
  • Easy to implement, cost-effective, and suitable for a wide range of use cases and industries.

Timestamp Authentication Solution

  • Verify the exact timestamp when documents are signed or when they become effective.
  • Trace and authenticate the timing of the initiation and modification of data information and messages in an electronic environment.
  • Enhance the security, long-term storage, and legal validity of electronic documents.

Product Applications

  • Electronic invoice issuance​
  • Declaration/tax settlement, electronic insurance, customs​
  • Verification of electronic public services​
  • Electronic contract signing​
  • Verification of timestamp
  • Signing internal documents
  • Ensuring document security


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Reputation for 30 years

FPT IS has been a trusted partner of the General Department of Taxation and Customs for more than 30 years. FPT builds the majority of major information systems in Vietnam’s state agencies and key economic sectors. The products are trusted and used by state agencies and large corporations

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Licensed by the Ministry of Information and Communication

FPT was one of the first units licensed by Vietnam’s Ministry of Information and Communications to provide public digital signature authentication services.

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Committed to warranty and nonstop support

Lifetime warranty on USB Tokens. 24/7 customer service with a nationwide network of premium technical support available in person and online.

Mr. Vu Anh Duc
Mr. Tran Dang Hoa
Mr. Dao Hong Giang
Mr. Pham Tuan
Mr. Tran Duc Tri Quang

Embracing digital transformation in Banking, FPT IS introduces FPT.IDCheck, an anti-counterfeiting digital authentication solution – a powerful tool to help organizations and businesses digitize user identity authentication experiences, leveraging AI technology and face matching liveness detection in biometrics and identity authentication via chip-embedded citizen identification cards.


- Mr. Vu Anh Duc

Deputy Director of the Digital Platform and Identification Center, FPT IS

In the context of the digital economy, with the core task set out by the banking industry being: Expanding connections and developing the digital ecosystem, organizations and banks will face a number of major challenges such as: Preventing financial fraud and ensuring the continuous acceleration of the digital economy.



- Mr. Tran Dang Hoa

President of FPT IS

FPT boasts expertise in delivering digital transformation solution products encompassing ERP, procurement, and e-invoices. FPT will serve as a bridge between businesses and banks to facilitate financial services.





- Mr. Dao Hong Giang

Director of Finance & Banking Sector, FPT IS

The adoption of sustainable practices not only brings about enduring advantages for large enterprise businesses but also presents opportunities for revenue expansion and market share growth by addressing green challenges within the supply chain. Furthermore, it enables cost savings through the utilization of green bonds, facilitates access to additional capital through green finance initiatives, and fosters the creation of innovative business models such as carbon offset credits.

- Mr. Pham Tuan

VertZero Product Owner, FPT IS

Technology and data will play a pivotal role in the business green transformation journey, simultaneously enabling businesses to access green capital from financial institutions

- Mr. Tran Duc Tri Quang

Chief Data Officer, FPT IS

News & Trends

14 March, 2025

FPT signs strategic cooperation with Peak3, expanding Southeast Asian insurance market

In the context of digital transformation reshaping the global insurance industry, FPT and Peak3 – The world’s leading insurance technology group, have recently officially signed a strategic cooperation agreement. The event marks an important step forward in building a new generation insurance technology ecosystem in Vietnam and Southeast Asia....
FPT accompanies Ho Chi Minh City to improve urban traffic management and operations with “Made by FPT” technology on Metro Line 1

FPT accompanies Ho Chi Minh City to improve urban traffic management and operations with “Made by FPT” technology on Metro Line 1

On March 9, Metro Line 1 (Ben Thanh – Suoi Tien) was officially inaugurated at the elevated area of Ben Thanh Station, marking a significant milestone after more than two months of official operation since December 22, 2024.The inauguration...
FPT and Phan Chau Trinh University Hospital develop smart healthcare model 4.0

FPT and Phan Chau Trinh University Hospital develop smart healthcare model 4.0

Recently, Phan Chau Trinh University Hospital was officially inaugurated in the Quang Nam – Da Nang, marking the launch of a new-generation hospital featuring breakthrough technologies and specialized medical services. FPT is honored to be the partner deploying the...
Vietnam ready for digital manufacturing – to catch the wave of global supply chain shift

Vietnam ready for digital manufacturing – to catch the wave of global supply chain shift

Amid global supply chain disruptions, Vietnam—the third-largest economy in Southeast Asia—has emerged as an attractive destination not only due to its policies and resources but also thanks to its digital manufacturing capabilities. The recent seminar “Vietnam: A New Destination...
FPT accompanies Filmore in implementing SAP ERP to optimize real estate management

FPT accompanies Filmore in implementing SAP ERP to optimize real estate management

On March 4, FPT Information System Company Limited (FPT IS), a member of FPT Corporation, and Filmore Real Estate Development Joint Stock Company (Filmore) officially completed phase 1 of the SAP ERP project after six months of implementation. This...
FPT Affirms Green Transformation Strategy with ISO 14064-1:2018 Certification

FPT Affirms Green Transformation Strategy with ISO 14064-1:2018 Certification

Recently, FPT became the pioneering technology company in Vietnam to be awarded the ISO 14064-1:2018 certification by BSI Assurance UK across Scopes 1, 2, and 3 emissions, thanks to its automated emission inventory technology. This marks a significant milestone,...
FPT Proposes Building a Sustainable Vietnam-Korea Semiconductor Ecosystem at SEMICON Korea 2025

FPT Proposes Building a Sustainable Vietnam-Korea Semiconductor Ecosystem at SEMICON Korea 2025

As part of the SEMICON Korea 2025 exhibition under the theme “Lead the Edge to the New Era”, the National Innovation Center (NIC), the Ministry of Planning and Investment, in collaboration with the Vietnamese Embassy in South Korea and...
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