FPT IS and Metrodata announce strategic cooperation on digital transformation powered by Cloud, Data and AI

Recently, FPT IS, a leading digital transformation company in Vietnam and the broader region, has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with PT. Metrodata Electronics, Tbk., the largest IT company in Indonesia. The shared goal is to synergize strengths in developing “world-class” technology solutions, utilizing the potential of AI to seize opportunities within Indonesia’s thriving digital transformation landscape. 

This marks a significant milestone in enhancing fruitful collaboration between businesses from both countries, coinciding with the visit of Indonesian President Joko Widodo to Vietnam. The objective is to vigorously advance the implementation of technological advancements in Indonesia, concurrently fostering an environment conducive to the development and realization of innovative technological ideas.

Present at the event were Mr. Tran Dang Hoa, Chairman of FPT Information System Company (FPT IS), Mr. Susanto Djaja, President Director of Metrodata, and senior leaders from both companies.

Fpt Is Va Metrodata Ky Ket Bien Ban Ghi Nho Hop Tac Chuyen Doi So Scaled

FPT IS and Metrodata signed a memorandum of understanding on digital transformation

As outlined in the memorandum, the collaborative agreement involves the joint development and provision of digital transformation solutions utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as Cloud Computing, Data, and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The specific mission objectives are as follows: Develop a market in Indonesia for relevant technology applications and solutions, aiming to accelerate both digital and green transformations; advocate educational initiatives aimed at nurturing technology talents with a particular focus on areas such as data science, machine learning, and AI programming; establish a robust AI infrastructure incorporating Cloud and GPU technologies; and innovate the creation of advanced machine learning models and AI applications.

FPT IS and Metrodata committed to allocate their utmost resources and expertise to support effective investments and joint ventures. The two companies’ shared objective is to collaboratively emerge as the leading provider of digital transformation solutions and products in Indonesia, ensuring quality that aligns with international standards, within the next 5 years.

At the event, Mr. Susanto Djaja, President Director of Metrodata, conveyed that the day marked a significant milestone as PT Metrodata Electronics entered into a strategic partnership with FPT IS. He emphasized that through this collaboration, the focus would be on advancing the application of technology and digital transformation, particularly in the realm of AI, to expedite the realization of the “Indonesia Vision 2045” goal. This strategic move aligns with their commitment to position technology as a growth engine and a guiding force for the sustainable development of Indonesia’s digital economy.

Mr. Susanto further conveyed that there were clearly numerous opportunities and prospects in Indonesia’s digital economy, with forecasts indicating a value of 1.5 trillion USD, accounting for 14% of GDP. He highlighted that businesses associated with Cloud infrastructure and AI were anticipated to double every five years. Indonesia’s digital competitiveness has improved dramatically over the years thanks to steady investment flows and rapid technology adoption, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. This is the key to accelerating economic recovery, offering a chance for technology enterprises such as FPT IS and Metrodata to play a role in the process.

Representing FPT IS, Mr. Tran Dang Hoa, Chairman of FPT IS, affirmed: “Cooperation will be an important foundation for both sides to take advantage of their internal potential, develop technological products and services to reach “world-class” level, and create outstanding growth.”

Mr. Hoa further emphasized: “ Over the course of 30 years, FPT IS has been a steadfast companion in the growth and development of both Vietnamese and regional economies, contributing through pivotal projects involving backbone systems in key sectors. This extensive experience serves as the bedrock for our ongoing journey, supplemented by our robust capabilities in researching and developing the ‘Made by FPT’ product and service ecosystem, which is anchored in core technology platforms such as AI, Data, Cloud, Blockchain, and more. This positions us strategically to collaborate with Metrodata in delivering competitive products to the international market.”

Fpt Is Va Metrodata Cam Ket Hop Tac Thuc Day Cung Cap Giai Phap Cong Nghe Vuon Tam World Class Scaled

FPT IS and Metrodata unite in a commitment to promote the delivery of “world-class” technology solutions

During the event, Mr. Truong Gia Binh, Chairman of FPT Corporation, and Mr. Susanto Djaja, President Director of Metrodata, participated in a high-level business dialogue coinciding with the state visit of Indonesian President Joko Widodo to Vietnam from January 11 to January 13, 2024. Within this dialogue, President Joko Widodo urged prominent Vietnamese enterprises, including FPT, to consider substantial investments in Indonesia, particularly in the technology sector.

The collaboration between FPT IS and Metrodata, two leading technology companies in Vietnam and Indonesia, underscores the crucial role of IT businesses in supporting the government’s efforts to advance digital and green transformations. In a broader context, this partnership adds significant momentum to the trajectory of robust and enduring cooperation between the two countries in the future.

Lanh Dao Fpt Va Metrodata Co Co Hoi Tham Du Doi Thoai Cap Cao Nhan Dip Tong Thong Indonesia Joko Widodo

High-level business dialogue between the Governments of Vietnam and Indonesia, along with representatives from businesses in both nations



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