FPT IS proposes outstanding Digital Transformation and Operational Solutions for manufacturing enterprises in Da Nang

FPT IS, Base.vn, and HPE recently attended and shared insights at the “Workshop on Digital Skills Training for Enterprises in High-Tech Parks, Concentrated IT Parks, and Industrial Parks in 2024”. Representatives from more than 250 manufacturing, small and medium enterprises in industrial park clusters in Da Nang and the city’s departments, branches, and sectors also participated in the workshop.

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FPT IS attending and sharing insights at the ““Workshop on Digital Skills Training for Enterprises in High-Tech Parks, Concentrated IT Parks, and Industrial Parks in 2024”

On behalf of the Management Board of Da Nang High-Tech Park and Industrial Zones, Mr. Tran Van Ty, Deputy Head of the Management Board expressed that, the workshop was held to highlight the urgency of digital transformation, as well as digital skills in operations and production management required for enterprises in High-Tech Parks, Concentrated IT Parks and Industrial Parks. The goal is to develop an ecosystem, connecting the enterprise community and supporting digital transformation in businesses to improve management and production efficiency as well as enhance productivity and quality. These efforts are expected to assist enterprises to accelerate their adaptation in the digital age.

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Mr. Tran Van Ty, Deputy Head of the Management Board of Da Nang High-Tech Park and Industrial Parks speaking at the event

Representing FPT IS, Mr. Vu Duc Trung, Head of the Digital Service & Solution Business Department, introduced the outstanding Digital Transformation and Operational Solutions for manufacturing enterprises. He emphasized that, while consumer habits are quickly changing towards personalization and diversification, and standards for participation in the supply chain are increasingly stringent, manufacturing enterprises are facing considerable pressure in solving core problems such as: optimizing operating and production costs, enhancing compliance with ESG standards, and ensuring enterprise information security. In addition, Vietnam is losing its competitive advantage in cheap labor costs, especially as its golden period of population is about to end. Digital and green transformation, as a result, will be the key for enterprises to maintain operations and grow in the medium and long term in both domestic and international business environments.

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Mr. Vu Duc Trung, Head of the Digital Service & Solution Business Department at FPT IS, introducing the outstanding Digital Transformation and Operational Solutions for manufacturing enterprises

Taking place alongside the workshop, FPT IS’s exhibition booth introduced the comprehensive ecosystem of products and solutions tailored for enterprise operations and business optimization. This demonstrates FPT IS’s commitment to working side-by-side with enterprises in Da Nang to leverage the power of new technology to create a leap forward in business, seize leadership opportunities, and contribute to the sustainable development of Vietnam as well as the world.  

Exhibition booth introducing the comprehensive ecosystem of products and solutions Made by FPT IS

Recently, FPT IS signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Department of Information and Communications of Da Nang City to boost investment in research and development of technology and resources in the semiconductor and artificial intelligence (AI) industries, aiming to make Da Nang one of the leading technology “hubs” in Vietnam.




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