Centralized online exam at Hung Yen Department of Education and Training


As part of the implementation of Model 21 – Project 06 in localities, on November 3, 2023, all public high schools and one private escalator school in Hung Yen piloted Model 21 through the student quality assessment exam on the Khaothi.Online platform developed by FPT IS. This marks the largest pilot program of Model 21 – Project 06 nationwide to date.

The pilot of Model 21 has clearly demonstrated the advantages of applying technology on the Khaothi.Online platform compared to traditional exams in testing and assessment at the general education level. All exam organization tasks are conducted online on a unified technology platform – Khaothi.Online, combined with chip-based citizen identification verification based on the National Population Database of the Ministry of Public Security, bringing numerous distinguished benefits.

Sở Gd&Đt Hưng Yên 1723455736


  • Consulting and contributing to the construction and completion of the e-Government architecture, shared data warehouse architecture, digital transformation program, data strategy, etc.
  • Building and deploying key platforms for the city’s e-Government: Ho Chi Minh City Local Government Service Platform (HCM LGSP), Data integration platform, Unstructured data storage platform, Data processing platform, etc.
  • Building and deploying model information systems for the future District model: Digital District system for District 7, Binh Tan District…; Digital Citizen application; Specialized system of District 12, Nha Be Rural district, Binh Chanh Rural district, etc.
  • Building the Center for COVID-19 Prevention and Control, Economic Recovery and Public Services in District 7, now the Intelligent Operations Center of District 7

Key Results

  • 2,700 students: Participated in the quality assessment exam simultaneously, with citizen identification verification
  • 26 high schools: in Hung Yen take the exam simultaneously
  • 12 seconds: Quickly verify candidates’ identities with 100% accuracy
  • 500 questions: built online from the common provincial exam bank by more than 30 teachers
  • 500 million VND: Cost savings for printing, transportation, accommodation, and commuting for exam creators
  • Data: From regular and periodic testing and assessment is the foundation for adjusting teaching and learning methods
The successful implementation of Pilot Model 21 by the Hung Yen Department of Education and Training demonstrates its leadership and proactive approach in executing Project 06. The system will enable local authorities to leverage data for better controlling the examination process, reduce costs and workload of inspection and supervision activities, as well as prevent fraud risks. From there, Hung Yen will have the platform to organize large-scale exams in a consistent process.

Lieutenant Colonel Tran Duy Hien, Deputy Director of the National Population Data Center – Director of the Center for Research and Application of Population Data and Citizen Identification



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