Co-create world-class digital transformation in the real estate sector for An Gia


An Gia Real Estate Investment and Development Joint Stock Company (An Gia Investment)

Established in 2006, An Gia puts their major efforts into apartment projects designed for better living experience for residents. An Gia has made its mark on a variety of noteworthy projects such as Riverside, The Gio… affirming its brand as a leading real estate developer in the affordable and mid-range housing segment with superb design and construction quality.




  • To realize its vision of becoming a “Global Real Estate Group”, An Gia faces the following obstacles when wishing to expand its business scale:
    • Data is fragmented across 36 subsidiaries
    • Customer contracts and requests handling capacity is insufficient
    • Information lacks accuracy and transparency

Key Results

  • 4 Months: Of speedy deployment during the pandemic
  • 100% digitized: Business processes
  • 95%: Of the challenges set by An Gia Group were met

Our data is currently consistent and fully standardized thanks to the application of digital transformation. This help lessen employees’ paperwork and facilitate operations based on standardized processes, thereby minimizing risks and errors during contract execution and customer information record management.

Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Chau

Chief Business Development Officer – An Gia Real Estate Group


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