Core Banking system at Construction Bank CBBank


Vietnam Construction Bank is a 100% state-owned bank, fully owned by the government, with a network of over 100 operating points spread nationwide.

Cb Bank La Ngan Hang Gi 9 20240412130235684 Avatar 15x10 20240412130353352 1723170538


  • Consult architecture solutions
  • Develop a self-service counter transaction software system
  • Provide a platform and integrate with the bank’s existing core banking system; Application testing
  • Support for pilot deployment at two branches and the headquarters of CBBank

Key Results

  • The implementation of the new Core Banking system has led to automation of business processes, improving transaction processing capacity and reduced customer waiting time.
  • The new system also enhances the capacities of information management and control, security and safety, thereby increasing operational stability and better mitigating risks.
“CBBank is piloting a new banking technology from “the best expert of Vietnam”

Mr. Nguyen Van Tuan – Chairman of CBBank

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