Effective application of electronic contracts 30Shine


A high-class hair salon chain in Vietnam with more than 80 salons across 18 provinces and cities operated by nearly 3,000 employees.

Fptecontract 30shine (1) 1723174392


  • High costs for printing, shipping, and storage
  • Difficult to search for documents, easy to lose documents
  • Limited control over the signing process due to fragmented communication chains and geographical limitations
  • Long approval time. Contract signing: 20 days
  • Thousands of employment contracts results in high storage and management costs


  • Applied 100% online contract signing since January 2021
  • Applied to all 30Shine employees
  • Expanding the application to other documents such as agreements, commitments, and other types of contracts


  • Storage space savings, opportunity cost savings and time conversion efficiency
  • Progress tracking simplification without the need to search through multiple sources
  • 24/7 support availability for partners from the FPT.eContract team
  • Cost savings from printing, shipping, and warehouse rental
  • Signing time reduced from 20 days to 5 minutes
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