Accompanying in implementing Online propaganda contests in Ha Giang


With millions of exams conducted on the Khaothi.Online platform, the Propaganda Department of the Ha Giang Provincial Party Committee, along with other units, has efficiently organized propaganda contests, attracting many participants from inside and outside the province, yielding meaningful outcomes in disseminating policies, guidelines, information and knowledge to all people.

The organization of online propaganda contests not only enhances the agility, effectiveness, and cost efficiency of the organizational work but also offers participants the flexibility to engage in exams and learning at their convenience, from anywhere. Instantly updated rankings foster a spirit of competition, engender motivation, and deliver an engaging experience, thereby facilitating wide and effective access to policies across Ha Giang. Simultaneously, the management agency gathers data on individuals’ abilities to access, comprehend, and interpret policies, enabling an assessment of the overall capacity and skills of the local people in organizing evaluations and propaganda efforts.

Cuoc Thi Tuyen Truyen Tai Ha Giang 1723456731

Key Results

  • 7 days: Preparation time to complete a contest
  • ↓60%: Human resources used for implementation, preparation of work and procedures
  • ↓80%: Time to organize and deploy the contest to the people in the locality
  • 2M+: People takes the propaganda contests online
  • 25+: Contests/contest weeks are conducted on the platform
“One month of cooperation between District 7 and FPT is a historical event and has produced valuable seeds that need to be multiplied as soon as possible.”

Mr. Nguyen Van Nen – Secretary of Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee

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