Enabling the future of security and automation with FPT IS and Check Point

Recently, FPT Information System Corporation (FPT IS) and Check Point have jointly organized a seminar themed “Enabling the future of comprehensive security and automation for businesses”. The seminar welcomes the attendance of leaders and technology experts from businesses in different sectors.

Speaking at the seminar, Mr. Dao Gia Hanh – Senior Technology Expert, FPT IS – says: “As digital transformation and cloud computing explode, ensuring information security has become more and more important. Particularly, firewall system is considered an indispensable “heart” of any business. Check Point is currently one of the trusted partners of FPT IS in providing the most advanced firewall solutions to the customers”.

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Mr. Dao Gia Hanh speaks at the seminar.

Within the framework of the seminar, Mr. Thu Ho – Check Point’s PIC of sales channels – has demonstrated two solutions, which are Hybrid DataCenter Hyperscale and Harmony Remote Workforce, to optimize security for end users and minimize risks when working remotely. Accordingly, Check Point’s solutions will help minimize the risks of data stealth or unauthorized access, as well as data loss due to hardware failure or system failure. Mr. Thu Ho expects that after the seminar, businesses will better understand the importance of information security as well as the features and benefits of Check Point’s solutions, thereby enhancing operational and business efficiency.

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Mr. Thu Ho – Check Point’s PIC of sales channels – speaks at the seminar.

Mr. Nguyen Tuan Anh – Deputy Head of Security Operations Department, FPT IS – says that adopting automation solutions in information security will help state agencies, organizations, and businesses improve performance in information security operations, minimize errors, and enhance the ability to respond quickly when attacks occur. In addition, Mr. Duong Viet Tung – Project Manager, FPT IS – also demonstrates akaBot, a comprehensive business process automation platform, to help businesses achieve operational excellence and strongly promote digital transformation.

With advanced technologies and outstanding features, security and automation solutions from FPT IS and Check Point have drawn great attention from the attendees. Accordingly, the seminar is expected to open up many opportunities for business cooperation between FPT IS, Check Point, and businesses in different sectors.



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