FPT IS CEO elected Vice President of Vietnam Association For Information Processing

On January 6, in Hanoi, Vietnam Association For Information Processing (VAIP) has organized its 9th National Congress for the term of 2023-2028, attended by 154 representatives from organizations of ICT research, teaching, management, application, and business across the country.

At the event, Mr. Nguyen Hoang Minh – CEO of FPT IS – is honored to be elected Vice President of VAIP for the term of 2023 – 2028. With nearly 20 years of experience working in the ICT field, Mr. Minh believes this is a great milestone to open up opportunities for FPT IS to contribute to the progress of digital transformation of the country, as well as realize VAIP’s goals and orientations.

“In the coming time, FPT IS expects to continue its mission as a bridge connecting business fields, realizing the goal of turning technology into business advantages for companies, promoting sustainable development of digital economy in Vietnam”, said Mr. Minh.

Ceo Fpt Is Trung Cu Pho Chu Tich Hoi Tin Hoc 700x394 1718599922

Mr. Nguyen Hoang Minh (third from the left) has been elected Vice President of VAIP at the Association’s 9th National Congress for the term of 2023 – 2028.

Business matching is one of key issues set out in orientations for the IX term of VAIP. To address this issue in the new context, the leaders and executive committee of VAIP believe it would be a goodway to continue and develop professional capabilities, creating decent foundation to adapt to trends of technology development, thereby promoting business activities in a practical and efficient way.

Mr. Nguyen Manh Hung – Member of the Central Committee of the Party, Minister of Information and Communications, Vice President of National Committee on Digital Transformation – delivers an opening speech to the event, expecting the VAIP to never forget its core. “We should think of the Founding President of the VAIP, Professor, Doctor of Science Phan Dinh Dieu; remember original goal of the Association, which is to gather forces to promote ICT activities with aims towards economic, social, scientific and technological development in Vietnam; and remember the Association’s operating motto, which is “Solidarity – Cooperation for the development of ICT in Vietnam”.

The Minister affirms: “In order to go far, anyone, any organization must keep in mind original missions and original core values. Each generation should inherit the past, open up the future, tell their own story, but must not forget the missions from the very beginning “.

In the new development period (2023 – 2028), with the motto of “Solidarity – Cooperation – Integration – Development”, the VAIP is determined to address outstanding tasks and execute initiatives agreed at the IX Congress; strengthen organizational structure and professionalize activities of the Association; develop and complete operational orientation of the Association.



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