From Violympic to VioEdu: Practical experience of digital transformation in schools

Building an information technology platform to ensure the connection of teaching, learning, and management data in a synchronous, transparent, secure way, serving the purposes of use by many types of users is an effective way to promote digital transformation in schools.

This is the suggestion by Mr. Nguyen Ba Viet on behalf of VioEdu & Violympic Online Education Center (FPT Information System Corporation) at a “Seminar on experience and solutions for digital transformation of Hanoi’s Education and Training sector” taking place on March 22.

The problem of digital transformation of the Education sector

In Vietnam, Education is considered one of the top priority areas in the “Program for National Digital Transformation by 2025 with orientations towards 2030”, approved by the Prime Minister in 2020. After 3 years of implementation, Vietnam’s education sector has made remarkable progress.

The Ministry of Education and Training has managed to build a database software system to manage detailed information of all schools, from preschools to high schools across the country, digitalizing and labelling identifiers for nearly 24 million records of the pupils and 1.5 million records of the teachers, staff, and management executives. Nearly 25,000 schools have connected their software to the Ministry’s database, while the Ministry has also managed to build an electronic repository of more than 7,000 lectures.

Provinces/cities have actively promoted the adoption of IT in teaching and learning, gradually putting digitalization into practice, improving teaching quality, implementing online public services in education, building and exploiting electronic learning data warehouse, investing in equipment and technical infrastructure, conducting training for teachers and management executives, thereby achieving a lot of remarkable results. 

However, there are still difficulties against the digital transformation in education, specifically, network and IT infrastructure for management and teaching are not consistent; resources for building digital learning data repositories are limited; teaching and management support software has been deployed in most educational facilities but lacks consistency, causing fragmented or overlapping data; digital capabilities of management executives, teachers, pupils, and parents should be focused and improved.

“It is necessary to have a simple, accessible, national platform or software that is commonly and consistently used across schools, connecting parents, pupils, schools, and all levels with high security in order to facilitate data communication, maximizing the effectiveness of statistics and educational management”, said VioEdu’s representative. 

Tp Hun Cac Trung Hc S Dng Nn Tng Trc Tuyn D Trin Khai San Choi Dy Hc Kim Tra 1722330670

Training for schools on using online platforms to implement playgrounds, teaching, learning, and examination (Photo: VioEdu)

Practical solution from a platform with millions of users

With leading technology capabilities, synergy spirit, and extensive experience in consulting and implementation, over the years, FPT Corporation has become a strategic digital transformation partner of the Government. In 54 provinces/cities that have issued Digital transformation resolutions/programs, FPT has approached more than 40 provinces/cities to sign strategic cooperation agreements and conduct training on change of digital transformation awareness, of which digital human resource training and investment in education are those of the key contents.

As the two typical educational technology solutions that have won award of Top 10 EdTech companies in Vietnam 2022 for FPT, Violympic and VioEdu deliver pioneering and creative experience, helping educational facilities from IT adoption to enhance the quality of teaching and learning to digital transformation in evaluation and management.

In order for educational activities to take place on digital platform, it is a prerequisite that every part of the sector must participate and use, interact, and connect regularly on the platform. Via an online playground that attracts tens of millions of pupils from all regions across the country, Violympic and VioEdu have steadily and continuously added to their platform a large number of active users. 

The system allows to organize online classes in a convenient way, allows teachers and pupils to build and exploit digital learning data warehouses, exercise and examination banks (currently there are approximately more than 10,000 video lectures and 1,000,000 exercises compiled in accordance with the new general education program); carry out inspection and evaluation activities of various scales. Teaching and learning results are collected in real time and by grades, improving search and management activities across all levels.

More than 3 years after the launch, VioEdu team has conducted training for schools in 40 provinces/cities to deploy online playgrounds and organize teaching, learning, examination, and evaluation entirely on online platforms. 

For the pupils, VioEdu supports self-study effectively with a personalized learning path based on the analysis of strengths and weaknesses using AI and Big Data. Detailed reports on pupils’ learning performance are synchronized in their parents’ and teachers’ accounts, acting as an effective “assistant” to help teachers and parents optimize the time to supplement knowledge for their children.

Thus, starting as an online playground that makes it easy for users to access and use, VioEdu now provides a full-featured technology platform for essential uses for all levels, connecting pupils, parents with schools, as well as connecting schools with higher management levels. 

VioEdu’s representative is committed that the team will support educational facilities across the country with maximum resources to build management systems at all levels, synchronizing the sector’s databases and learning data warehouses; consult, coordinate, and support to deploy online playgrounds and evaluations for learning and programming at no cost; meanwhile conduct training to enhance digital capabilities of teachers.

Education facilities that are interested in consulting and training related to digital transformation can make contact via a hotline number at 0353.055.060 or via email ([email protected]).



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