FPT IS Expert: “Digital Transformation in the Water Sector – an important factor in Smart City development”

The water sector is an important area that needs investment in modern technology and is one of FPT IS’s cooperation targets in the near future.

Chuyen Doi So Nganh Nuoc Thanh Pho Thong Minh Fpt Is

A fertile but unexplored land in digital transformation

Water supply and drainage is a unique industry that not only plays a role in promoting business but also serves the needs of daily life in society. This is an area of great importance, directly affecting each individual, and is an indispensable part of people’s lives as well as the general development of modern urban areas today. Boosting the application of smart technology in current operations of water supply and drainage companies will empower the creation of breakthroughs in production and business activities, maximizing efficiencies in management and operations, and meeting and catering for the needs of the people.

Working towards digital transformation in the water sector is considered a strong step for water enterprises to aim for increased operational efficiency and sustainable development. “Limited adoption of digital transformation solutions in the water supply and drainage industry poses a tough challenge to businesses in this sector. However, existing development potential along with rational investment and appropriate digital transformation strategies can turn this industry into a fertile land for the application of smart digital solutions” said Mr. Son, Business Development Manager of FPT IS.

Responding to challenges and opportunities that arise, the Vietnamese government has issued strategies, policies, and action plans on technology revolution 4.0, national digital transformation, smart cities along with provincial/urban planning (including water supply and drainage planning), safe water production, supply, and consumption, etc. This enables the water sector to establish specific preferential mechanisms and policies for water supply projects and economic sectors investing in water supply. This can help develop a sustainable water supply based on optimal exploitation of all resources, meeting the demand for clean water with guaranteed quality and civilized services. Vietnam’s current urbanization rate is 40%. The country targets this rate to hit 45% by 2025, and about 50% by 2030. Urban digital transformation strategy geared towards smart cities is a major factor to reach this goal. The digital transformation of the water sector needs to keep pace with this strategy to make the most of the opportunities that occur.

“FPT IS has grasped opportunities and needs as they arise to research, develop and deploy advanced technology solutions, aiming to work towards the gradual digital transformation of urban areas to build smart cities and create a solid infrastructure for the construction of urban technical infrastructure systems, including modern water infrastructure systems, serving the living needs of people and speeding up the digitalization process in localities, especially urban areas” Mr. Son added.

Smart water system – the lifeblood of smart cities

Currently, the rapid development of smart cities across the country has raised a strong need for the application of technology to create smart water supply and drainage systems. Such system in smart urban areas will help optimize operations, reduce water loss, prevent flooding and enhance water security for the entire city, accordingly promoting the planning, urbanization, development and operation of smart cities.

Mr. Son commented that solutions based on common platforms and data shared and analyzed using AI and integrated with other urban systems, such as smart pressure management/optimization, smart water meters, smart maintenance, smart water supply and drainage monitoring, etc., are gradually being included in suite for smart cities, bringing benefits to all stakeholders (government, businesses, people…), with optimal costs in setup and operation, laying a foundation for smart services in the water industry in the future.

In the journey of the national digital transformation, FPT IS has been a trusted partner of localities and businesses in all three aspects: digital economy, digital society and digital government. In particular, we play a strategic role in URDX (Urban & Regional Digital Transformation).

Fpt Is La Doi Tac Dong Hanh Chuyen Doi So Chien Luoc Fpt Is

FPT IS has been a strategic digital transformation partner in many aspects. Source: BCIS, FPT Information System

Mr. Son mentioned FPT IS’s practical cooperation with various provincial and city governments (Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Quang Ninh province, Ha Long City, Binh Dinh province…) to gradually build smart cities when citing the clearest evidence of technology application in urban digital transformation: “We own all-inclusive technology, financial and service solutions within an ecosystem of solution/service partners who are top-tier technology corporations and lead the main technologies/trends of smart cities and smart urban areas. Armed with a team of qualified experts with profound knowledge about technology and the market paired with solutions that have been implemented and proven effective in practice, FPT IS will be your long-term partner on the journey of developing smart cities/smart urban areas of localities in Vietnam as well as in the region and around the world.”

Mo Hinh Frost & Sullivan Fpt Is

Comparing to Frost & Sullivan’s model, FPT owns comprehensive technology, financial and service solutions. Source: BCIS, FPT Information System

Mastering the business of smart city solution implementation lays the foundation for FPT IS’s participation in the development of modern water supply and drainage systems. FPT IS has long been a provider of digitalization and computerization solutions for enterprise management systems for many companies in the water industry. Typically, FPT IS has corporated with Sawaco (Sai Gon Water Corporation – One Member Limited) in accounting, billing, etc, management system implementation project since 2008. The system has been operating effectively to date and is the premise for Sawaco’s future digital transformation steps. Sawaco plays a key role in a series of Ho Chi Minh City’s digital transformation goals towards 2030. Currently, Sawaco is providing clean water to more than 10 million people, making it the lifeline of Ho Chi Minh City. Digital transformation, as a result, is Sawaco’s mandatory task to improve the quality of water supply services for the city’s residents. In addition to water supply companies, FPT IS has also partnered with enterprises in the water industry ecosystem such as Binh Minh Plastics – BMP, to gradually build a all-in digital ecosystem for the water sector.

Phan Thanh Son

Sharing about the direction of cooperation with the water industry in the future, Mr. Son expressed FPT IS’s desire to take advantage of our technology, experience, leading experts and partners to work with management agencies and businesses in the sector as a strategic partner: “FPT IS offer not just solutions but a comprehensive transformation process, from consulting on digital transformation strategies to implementing and optimizing operations based on digital data/platforms for both the traditional IT area (such as ERP, CRM, HRM) and the operational technology (OT) area (such as IoT, Automation/SCADA) of water sector enterprises. The process is integrated and synchronized with the national/regional/urban digital transformation architecture systems/programs of the water industry. In particular, thanks to our cooperation with the Vietnam Water Supply and Sewerage Association (VWSA) and its regional branches, FPT IS hopes to act as a major resource to put digital transformation into practice, work side-by-side with the water sector to seize opportunities and achieve economic, social and sustainable development goals based on a solid and effective digital transformation strategy and foundation. This is a new promising start for the dramatic growth of the water industry in terms of efficiency and productivity, the next step on the journey of digital transformation of businesses/industries, contributing to the development of digital government, digital society and digital economy”.


Exclusive article by FPT IS Technology Expert

Phan Thanh Son 

Chief Business Development Officer

FPT Information System Company

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