Vinatech Group cooperates with FPT IS to deploy enterprise resource planning system SAP S/4HANA

On the morning of October 24, Vinatech Group and FPT IS have jointly organized kick-off ceremony for the project of “Implementation of SAP S/4HANA enterprise resource planning system”. The project is aimed at building a clear and transparent management system for Vinatech Group towards the goal of IPO by 2025.

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Project signing and kick-off ceremony.

The ERP system is considered “backbone” in management and operation activities of a company, helping to build effective resource and operation plans with a number of outstanding sub-systems, such as production management, customer relations, resources management, accounting and financial management, etc. With such features, SAP ERP system is expected to help Vinatech Group optimize its working process, saving costs and time, enhancing competitive advantages.

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Pham Van Khanh, General Director of Vinatech Group, emphasizes: “Digital transformation is seen as a revolution. We understand that companies aiming at sustainable growth need to quickly catch up with the trends of the times. Successful ERP project will help Vinatech Group standardize the entire business processes, centralize data, and closely connect departments in accordance with the best governance models. Information and reports on management activities will be continuously updated in real time, maximizing support for decision making of the BoD, towards realizing the goals of making Vinatech Group a leading shelf and rack supplier in the market, and IPO by 2025″.

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Mr. Pham Van Khanh, General Director of Vinatech Group.

Mr. Dang Truong Thach, Executive Vice President of FPT IS, also expresses his belief in the strategic “handshake” between the two sides: “Digital transformation adopting ERP system will create motivation to help Vinatech Group strengthen its position as the largest shelf producer and supplier in Vietnam, move faster and further, create breakthrough opportunities for Vietnamese products in international market. With enormous experience drawn from ERP projects for a large number of companies in various fields in Vietnam, FPT IS is confident to build an effective management system for Vinatech Group, optimizing business operations, reducing costs, and supporting company leaders to make accurate decisions towards development strategy in the coming time. It is FPT IS’ mission to accompany Vinatech Group during the project implementation, and we are determined to deliver the project successfully”.

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Mr. Dang Truong Thach, Executive Vice President, FPT IS.

The ERP system at Vinatech Group will be a decent technical foundation for the company to enhance its governance activities in a more professional and advanced direction. Meanwhile, the system will also help Vinatech Group to plan, manage and supervise activities from developing business plans, determining needs of raw material, to controlling production progress, warehouse and delivery, thereby accurately meeting customers’ needs, improving competitiveness, expanding business activities.

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SAP S4/HANA ERP system will deliver a “fresh new wind” for operation and management activities at Vinatech Group.

Mr. Nguyen Hong Viet, Managing Director of SAP Vietnam, expresses his honor to accompany Vinatech Group and pledges to make every effort to meet all and every quality requirements of the project: “The project is a strategic “handshake” that I believe will deliver important values to the development of Vinatech Group. This is an investment commensurate with the company’s size, potentials, and growth goals. SAP and FPT IS are honored to partner Vinatech Group on this strategic step. We believe with digital transformation capability and experience drawn from a large number of ERP projects for companies in the Vietnamese market, FPT IS and SAP will join Vinatech Group to achieve all goals set out by the project”.

Immediately after the kick-off ceremony, Vinatech Group’s project steering committee has conducted a survey and assessment of the current status of the processes, meanwhile planned for analysis and training, listed key persons to be allocated into the project.



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